Saturday, August 31, 2019

How to be a good student

Time management Planned and don't put off your plan Pay attention in your lesson Take note and Review by Creating mind map Stage II: Planning (Outlining) Stage Ill: Writing f you want to be a good student, you should follow these advices that I will mention below. The firstly of them is that you should pay attention in your lesson. In fact, teacher is the person who concludes all main points of your lesson and tell it to you in an interesting and clear way in class.As a result, eying attention in your lesson is the best way help you save time to understand what you are learning in the book. The second advice is taking note and reviewing your lesson by creating mind map. In my opinion, listening to our teachers just like collect the information; however, a good student have to gain their own knowledge. One solution is taking note what you think is necessary, and then, you put all information you collected in your brain by remembering an imaginative noted mind map.Last but not least, l anding for your target, and manage your time weekly in order to reach your goal. Indeed, the more suitable plan you make, the more effective work you done. Accordingly, you should have long-term, short-term plan as well as weekly, monthly timetable. In addition, you also should rearrange your schedule so often that them are agreed with your aim; likewise making sure your timetable is enough flexible for you to not put off your work. In conclusion, these above â€Å"how to be a good student' advices only work when you want.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Battered wives

To determine the amount and types of violence in U. S. homes, sociologists have interviewed nationally representative samples of U. S. couples (Straus, 1992). Although not all sociologists agree, Murray Straus concludes that husbands and wives are about equally likely to attack one another. When it comes to the effects of violence, however, gender equality certainly vanishes. As Straus points out, even though she may throw the coffeepot first, it is generally he who lands the last and most damaging blow.Consequently, many more wives than husbands seek medical attention because of marital violence. A good part of the reason, of course, is that most husbands are bigger and stronger than their wives, putting women at a disadvantage in this literal battle of the sexes. Violence against women is related to the sexist structure of society and to socialization. Growing up with norms that encourage aggression and the use of violence, many men feel it is their right to control women.When frus trated in a relationship or even by causes outside it, many men turn violently on their wives and lovers. The basic question is how to socialize males to handle frustration and disagreements without resorting to violence and this has not been answered yet. This paper will be discussing battered women and battered women syndrome in relationship to crime and deterrence. Battering of Women: The characteristics of assaulting a spouse or love suggest low deterrability. The behavior appears to be irrational, expressive, quite violent and likely to take place in private.It is often pointed out that the act historically has been culturally condoned and arguably continues so to some degree. Given a theoretical framework generally suggesting low deterrability, the outcome of the Minneapolis Domestic Violence experiment (Sherman & Berk, 1984) was quite surprising. The design of this important study provided for random assignment of three police responses to cases of misdemeanor domestic assaul t, the arrest of the offender, separation of the parties and some sort of advice, including mediation.Police officers responding to domestic violence calls were instructed to intervene as dictated by the color of the form appearing at the top of the report pad. Cases were then followed for six months to determine if the assaulter’s recidivated, as measured by additional reports to the police and periodic interviews with the victims. The lowest rate of repeat assaults, 13% was obtained when the offenders had been arrested, a middle level, 18. 2% followed advice or mediation, while the highest incidence of new assaults came after separation.The researchers concluded that â€Å"swift imposition of a sanction of temporary incarceration may deter male offenders in domestic assault cases†¦In short; criminal justice sanctions seem to matter for this offense in this setting with this group of experienced offenders† (Sherman & Berk, 1984, p. 270). Special deterrence was th ought to be operating even for this theoretically unpromising type of crime. The Minneapolis study, in combination with feminist activism and civil suits seeking equal protection of the laws for battered women had an unprecedented impact on police policy.Arrest became the preferred policy for misdemeanor domestic assault cases in most large U. S. police departments and remains the norm. Arrests of men who had committed misdemeanor assaults against their partners moved from a rarity in 1984 when the study was reported to the typical response well before the close of the decade. Ironically the changes in law have also led to dramatic increases in arrests of women, and have created a sense of ambivalence among some feminist criminologists (Chesney-Lind, 2002).While the impact of the Minneapolis experiment, combined with other social forces, was rapid and substantial, a series of six replication studies reflected the complexity of the concept of deterrence. Lively debate was stimulated because the conclusions of the evaluators of these six studies were quite divergent. While some found special deterrent effects of arrest, albeit weaker, others did not. Still others found that arrest increased recidivism among marginal offenders, those who may have felt they had nothing to lose.In Milwaukee, for example, unemployed suspects were more likely to assault their partners again if arrested (Sherman, Schmidt, Rogan, Smith, Gartin, Cohn, Collins & Bacich, 1992). The evidence for deterring the crime of misdemeanor assaults of women in domestic settings is mixed and complex. The consensus seems to be that there is some special deterrent effect, varying by characteristics of the offender. Unfortunately, differences in deterrability by persons, even when clearly understood, complicate the task of policy development.If arrest deters some assaulters, but escalates the violence of others, police policy for responding to these crimes becomes far more difficult to formulate. Policy changes in the area of police responses to woman battering have been one of the most dramatic within criminal justice in recent decades. The policy directive of most U. S. police departments has shifted from one of arrest avoidance for misdemeanor assault of intimate partners, to a presumptive arrest standard. In other words, rather than having to justify an arrest as exceptional, an officer must defend a non-arrest decision when a woman is the victim of a minor assault.The public opinion for these changes is mixed (Brown, 1990). Battered Woman Syndrome: Women who are victims of violence from husbands and live-in male companions increasingly are being brought within the scope of criminological study. Earlier such events were regarded by the male-dominated realm of law enforcement and the equally male-dominated real of social science as private affairs, best left in the shadows. There was a wild myth that women enjoyed being hit, interpreting it as attention, and therefore a sign of caring. Some victims who are beaten may respond with seeming indifference.Women who are beaten, particularly lower-class women may not see themselves as real victims, but merely as suffering the usual lot of a woman. The problem of wife beating did not command the public attention it now receives because of startling increases in such violence, but rather because of a shift in public sentiment. By capitalizing on the expansionist interests in the social work, mental health, and legal professions, and offering a good subject for the media, special interest groups convinced people that there was a problem demanding attention.Hundreds of shelters for battered women that provided an alternative to remaining with abusive males soon were opening (Walker, 2000). Today the battered woman syndrome sometimes is successfully introduced into criminal trials to excuse a woman who killed her husband after being subjected to intense abuse over a considerable period of time. Many men take exceptio n to such acquittals, insisting that the use of lethal force is a disproportionate response; after all assault is not a capital offense. They also may argue that the women could have departed rather than killed.Many women take strong exception to this male position. They insist that the victims of domestic violence lose their self-respect, their judgment, and that they retaliate out of desperation (Chan, 2001). In the past few years, considerable national attention has been given to the issue of how to handle persons who kill spouses or loves, who abuse them. In some states women convicted of killing their husbands after years of abuse have been granted clemency and released from prison. Jurisdictions have differed in their treatment of the battered women syndrome defense.Some courts have refused to admit evidence of the syndrome. Others have admitted it for limited purposes, such as to show the inability of a woman to assist her attorney in her defense (Walker, 2000). Conclusion: I t has been estimated that over 1. 5 million wives in this country are severely beaten by their husbands annually (Strauss, 1992), and such figures may underestimate the number of actual cases. Women in cohabiting relationships are even more likely than wives to be battered, although the reasons for this are not at all clear.Sympathy for battered women may be difficult to come by in light of widespread tendencies to blame the victim for staying with, going back to, or not walking out on an abusive husband or lover. Years of exploration have addressed the question of why abused women stay with abusers. Proposed explanations, none of them entirely satisfactory, have included reference to the victims economic dependency, the victims tendencies to place blame on themselves, not the batterers and a vicious circle of abuse leading to lowered self-esteem on the part of the victim, which in turn leads to greater abuse.But because there is a strong tendency for domestic violence to recur and in some cases to become progressively more severe over time victims must be strongly encouraged to seek professional and or legal assistance at the very first sign that their spouses or lovers are batterers and this is despite any promises, protests, excuses, apologies or vows never to do it again on the part of the batterers. Reference: Brown, S. E. (1990). â€Å"Police responses to wife beating: Five years later†.Journal of Criminal Justice,18, 459-462. Chan, W. (2001). Women, Murder, and Justice. New York: Palgrave. Chesney-Lind, M. (2002). â€Å"Criminalizing victimization: The unintended consequences of pro-arrest polices for girls and women†. Criminology & Public Policy, 1, 81- 90. Sherman , L. W. & Burk, R. A. (1984). â€Å" The specific deterrent effects of arrest for domestic assault†. American Sociological Review, 49, 261-272. Sherman, L. W. , Schmidt, J. D. , Rogan, D.P. , Smith, D. A. , Gartin, P. R. , Cohn, E. G. , Collins, D. J. & Bacich, A. R. (19 92). â€Å"The variable effects of arrest on criminal careers: The Milwaukee Domestic Violence Experiment†. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 83, 170-200. Strauss, M. A. (1992). â€Å"Explaining family violence†. In Marriage and Family in a Changing Society, 4th. Ed. New York: Free Press, 344-356. Walker, L. E. A. (2000). The Battered Women Syndrome, 2nd. Ed. New York: Springer

Thursday, August 29, 2019

How does the devil solve life's most serious problems Essay

How does the devil solve life's most serious problems - Essay Example He deals with serious matters by destroying the good things in life such as happiness, love, and joy replacing them with emptiness. Sins and evil consist of a certain level of selfishness that, at most times, consists of things that people do for personal gratification and pleasure (Gellner 21). The devil deals with serious things by allowing people to do their will for personal satisfaction. Goodness has delayed gratification compared to evil. If an individual takes care of his family, helps the needy, and shares what he has with others, then he will be rewarded in heaven. For Muslims, such a woman would come back as a prettier version of herself to serve her husband better while a man would receive 12 virgins to be his wives as soon as he got to heaven. Evil has instant gratification. For example, if a man wants justice for his brother’s killer, then it is likely that he would prefer to kill the individual in vengeance as opposed to waiting for a court trial or for him to wait for God to judge him. An evil person or the evil in any person delights in doing as it pleases. The devil does not require a man to practice good traits like patience, gentleness, kindness, or sharing. If a poor man begs a person for money, that person will probably prefer to keep the money and spend it on himself, instead of helping a needy person. Similarly, in the case of rape, the rapist enjoys personal gratification while the victim suffers an immense amount of pain and emotional torture. According to many cultures and religions, the devil thrives in darkness, suffering, and chaos (Gellner 13). Subsequently, he deals with things by ridding the world of light, joy, and happiness. For instance, when a marriage results in divorce, the children suffer and some are hurt emotionally and mentally for life. He constantly causes misfortune to people attempting to pursue love, peace, and happiness. He does not want people to enjoy life

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Principle and Philosophy of Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Principle and Philosophy of Design - Essay Example While there is room for speculation, the entire field is considered relatively straight-forward. However, what does it mean when we enter into more subjective fields such as art or architecture? Some people will provide a relatively succinct definition of art that tends to dwell on the academic approach taken in its creation. During the Renaissance, the emphasis was on realistic portrayal: â€Å"a new basis to pictorial composition was given through the invention of linear perspective †¦ Depth was suggested by depicting the progressive decrease in the size of objects and figures as their distance from the observer increases – an illusion which in painting becomes truth.†1 Others, such as A.K. Coomaraswamy (1877 – 1947), art critic and curator of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts for many years, suggest it is something more elemental and intrinsically linked with its environment. â€Å"[T]hings are made normally for certain purposes and certain places to which they are appropriate, and not simply ‘for exhibition’.†2 The type of art Coomaraswamy describes can be considered to take a traditional approach in that it attempts to make a connection on as many levels as possible, the body, mind, and spirit as well as the gross, subtle and pure. Architecture, such as Bernini’s Fountain of the Four Rivers or Frank Lloyd Wright’s Falling Water, illustrates how simple form can be translated into elegant art through the eye of a traditional artist. To understand the more sublime nature of art, Plato offers a helpful allegory. Plato, who was a student of Socrates, pulled together the ideas of his mentor and Pythagoras to combine them with his own response to what he’d seen of the world to develop his Theory of Forms. In this theory, the ultimate goal was to progress through the levels of reality to the highest level, also known as the greatest good.  

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Financial Analysis of two companies- Iggle and Piggle Essay - 1

Financial Analysis of two companies- Iggle and Piggle - Essay Example The cash inflows are the amount of money that is coming into the business and cash outflows means the amount of money that is spent on the initiation of the business. This fund management is an essential part of the business and should be followed well. In the corporate world, the main aim on which the management focuses in terms of managing its finances is by achieving various goals that are set for a particular period. There are particular financial processes which should be followed by a firm to fulfill its profit-making objectives. Here we will analyze and evaluate the business performance of the two companies- Iggle plc and Piggle plc, with the help of different techniques and tools of financial management. (Economy watch, n.d). The company Iggle plc had a return on capital employed of 35% with the return on equity of 20% which is determined by the ratio of net income to the total equity of the company. The net profit margin of the company that is, the profit after interest but before payment of tax is said to be 15%. For the company, the average settlement period of debtors and the average settlement period of creditors are 78 days and 85 days respectively. The stock holding period of the company is 88 days with a gross profit margin of 44%. The company had 15 times of fixed asset turnover and a capital gearing ratio of 65%. The current ratio of the company, which is the ratio between current assets and current liabilities, is 8:1 and the acid test ratio or the quick ratio is 6:1. The company had a price earning (PE) ratio which is determined by the market price of shares per earnings per share of 6 and it shows the valuation of the company. The company Piggle plc had a return on capital employed of 20% with the return on equity of 10% which is determined by the ratio of net income to the total equity of the company.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Networking technologies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Networking technologies - Essay Example Today, computer networks have become an important aspect in present day communication. A lot of activities and processes are controlled by computer networks. Advancement made in computer network has highly improved the level of communication. However, for effective operations, computers have to be connected to each other and other peripheral devices (Bhunia, 2006, 99). This research paper is about standard office software, file sharing and printing capabilities in a computer network for all employees working in an organization. The paper will examine a bespoke client server application accessing a locally stored database with sensitive data accessible by only 20 employees. It will as well outline a proposal to upgrade an intranet accessible to each employee of the organization and an extranet accessible by trusted clients and an internet site for carrying out clients’ orders. Using ADSL for internet connectivity posses a security problem that brought about by its use, those using this kind of internet lack security since it is are very easy for hackers to hack the data on transit since there is no software to block hackers from reaching sensitive information (Shashi, 2007, 141). The use of Ethernet in LAN cause insecurity to data they transmit because it is a broadcast system. This implies that while transmitting information in this system, there are different segments that transferred data must move through towards the receiving computer. The hackers can use some sniffing programs to out data as it moves from the host towards the receiver (Simmonds and Ekert 2004, 320). Further, adoption of peer-to-peer technology to reduce the expense of coaxial cables in Ethernet LAN, at the same gives an unsecured networking because it bases its operation on sharing of information. Other computers in the group can access sensitive information that they share on the network. The network infrastructures like hubs and

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Security Risk Assessment Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Security Risk Assessment - Term Paper Example Today’s business world is constantly changing — it’s unpredictable, volatile, and seems to become more complex every day. By its very nature, it is fraught with risk. Risk assessment provides a mechanism for identifying which risks represent opportunities and which represent potential pitfalls. Done right, a risk assessment gives organizations a clear view of variables to which they may be exposed, whether internal or external, retrospective or forward-looking. For risk assessments to yield meaningful results, certain key principles must be considered. A risk assessment should begin and end with specific business objectives that are anchored in key value drivers. These objectives provide the basis for measuring the impact and probability of risk ratings. Southern California Design (SCD) has been determined to be a Major System and has been determined to have a low security categorization. I prepared this Security Assessment Summary Report based on the security template by Stallings and Brown (Stallings and Brown, 2012, p. 454 - 475).The results captured in this report summarize the risks associated with the vulnerabilities identified during the system’s Security Test & Evaluation, Network Perimeter Assessment, PC Security, User Authentication and Access Controls, and other risk assessment activities. In determined that the company does not have the technical capability to implement a security control and the manager may have made a risk-based decision not to implement stricter security measures due majorly to the cost or feasibility of implementing the control relative to risk. SCD is a company that specializes in landscape and outdoor space for commercial and condominium communities. It is rated fairly high in the regions markets. Manager and founder Mary Smith has employed a total of 7 staff, consisting of four full-time architects and three part-time employees. The firm

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Different types of service organization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Different types of service organization - Essay Example Service factory includes services that involve low labour intensity and interaction. These demand huge capital and are standardized. Airlines and motels are the examples of such services. Highly labour intensive services with low interaction fall under mass service. These require low capital and service is provided on a standard basis to all customers. Retail giants such as Walmart follow this formula. Service shops support high degree of customisation and low labour intensity. Hospitals take up this mode of service, by accruing advantage of abundant capital (Inman). Advocates, medical practitioners, engineers etc, who provide professional services, show high customer interaction and customization. They are labour intensive. The success of labour-intensive services depends on employee training and welfare (Lashley 245-251). Keeping abreast technology and sequencing delivery make capital-intensive services attractive. Mass service and service factory are differentiated by ambience, wa rmth and marketing strategies(Verma 121-123). Service quality, sensitivity and responsiveness, coupled with cost-cutting guide highly interactive services.

Management and Leadership Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Management and Leadership Development - Essay Example The benefits are vital for organizations as a whole, particularly in countries that are developing, where the level of quality is low and require increment in search for effective cooperation in the various organizations. In the due course of implementation, there are many difficulties that are faced by organizations and do fail to practice benefits that are expected from management implementation that is of quality. Relating this to the implementation issue, it is observed that the implementation process is a major determinant of success in the introduction of technology or methods in an organization (Collins, 2001). It can be seen from these studies that acquisition of insights into the implementation process is vital, especially in trying to get a way of transforming the concept of quality management and practice from principles in the course of the organization. The transformation is referred to as implementation of quality management. In accordance, implementation research is re quired for the effectiveness of organizations. This report provides for operationalization of management and leadership development into practice in manufacturing companies, in Indonesia (Babbie, 2007). Basing on development of concepts and different leadership frameworks, there will be a discussion on operationalization. The operationalization discussion takes into consideration the research raised as an expression that guides relevant subject observation of implementation of quality management. As it is comprised of facts that are observable, it can occur in an analysis level. If related to management implementation, it allows an individual to conceive an organization analysis level. It is mainly focused on how leadership and management of an organization are conceptualized. Automotive Assembly Company (AAC) Implementation process From the time ownership was changed, three factors influenced management implementation process. Firstly, there was a change in the orientation of group that covered both investment decisions and encouragement of individuals’ use of the management system. Here, there was changes, in the in the management guidance for the group. Secondly, in 1997, a relationship of the joint nature with Itochu Corporation and Isuzu Ltd restructured the business pattern and this made AAC the only manufacture. Thirdly, there was an economic, national crisis which made AAC to bring in an efficiency policy to satisfy the new requirement of customers. Being the largest Corporation in Indonesia, AAC had close relation with Japanese partners. This was an influence to the member countries as it introduced unique practices, norms and value (Effron and Ort, 2010). The many corporations they had with Japanese counterparts made them acquire knowledge from different perspectives. For the integration of the practice, value and norms, there was a development of system of management to unite and link resources, identities and capability. This system was refe rred to as ATQC. There was also an introduction of quality control system by the group. The groups made a team put to practice and encourage companies adhere to the quality assurance. In 1994, AAC received their certification and got support from implementation group and was renewed in 1996. AAC transformed

Friday, August 23, 2019

Weekly Class Members Responses Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Weekly Class Members Responses - Assignment Example The way the writer has composed the replies reflects his/her strong writing skills. The writer has answered all questions properly and has explained the replies in a revealing manner. The writer has not left any of the questions unanswered or unexplained. The only problem I see in the replies is the informal structure of some sentences. However, that is just a minor issue that cannot overshadow the composition, knowledge, and writing skills of the writer. The writer has compared both letters very well. For example, the writer has classified the letters in terms of formal and informal letters. Moreover, the writer has written about the feelings of Oprah in both letters. The writer seems to be acknowledging the writing style of the sender in the second letter. In the end, the writer has mentioned the actions that both Oprah and the CEO can take to change the product

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Film maker Essay Example for Free

Film maker Essay Kenneth Anger is a well known American underground avant-garde film maker and author who is well known not only for his films but also for this novels. Born in Santa Monica, California as Kenneth Wilbur Anglemyer, Kenneth Anger first became well known in 1959 for his publication of the French version of Hollywood Babylon in Paris. While this drove him to certain fame, it also brought him notoriety because it was a tell all book on the scandals of the A-list crowd of Hollywood. He started his career at a very early age. Commentaries place his silver screen beginnings at the age of nine but it was not until 1947 that he became well known for his first film, Fireworks. In 1949, he expanded his repertoire to include The Love That Whirls and also a documentary of the ruins of Crowley’s Thelema Abbey. While most of his films only spanned 3. 5 minutes to 30 minutes, his works were considered works of arts, capturing the essence in such a short span of time. The influence that Kenneth Anger had on the avant garde scene during his time was so profound. There is no denying that fact that his films greatly influenced many other film makers in his genre but there is also the fact that some of his works were considered as controversial. As one magazine puts it, Anger was known to insert certain â€Å"artistic† twists on his works that were either offensive or brash, resorting to trickery on certain occasions. One such occasion was the filming of Lucifer Rising, which was supposed to star Bobby Beausoleil, which was a critical film that arguably started his fascination with the occult and eventually led to his association with the Church of Satan. Anger was also associated with the Ordo Templi Orientis and other such groups. While later on in life he decided to return to his films, there is no denying that Kenneth Anger was ahead of his time and widely misunderstood by his peers. Bibliography: Cohen. M eds. (1985) Film Theory and Criticism: Introductory Readings Oxford University Press, Oxford. Pray, M(2007) Avant-Garde Film: Forms, Themes and Passions Wallflower, London. Sitney, A(1979) Visionary Film: The American Avant-Garde 1943-78 2nd Edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

According to alderman

According to alderman According to Alderman (1999), motivation can be influenced by self-perception (Zimmerman, 2000). Self-perception can destroy ones motivation to accomplish a given task based on the belief that the ability to do the task is lacking; or the motivation is suppressed because of the belief that the task lacks challenging components (Alderman, 1999; Bandura, 1997; Calder Staw, 1975). Research indicates that students perceive themselves as more, the more challenging the goals they pursue will be (Zimmerman, Bandura Martinez-Pons, 1992). According to Zimmerman (2000), research during the past two decades has revealed that self-efficacy is a highly successful predictor of a students motivation and learning. Self-efficacy is a performance-based measure of ones perceived ability and therefore differs theoretically from motivational constructs such as outcome expectations or self-concept (Zimmerman, 2000). Frequently, the terms self-efficacy and self concept are misunderstood to have the same meaning. Self-efficacy pertains to ones perceived abilities to accomplish a specific task; whereas, self concept is a composite look at oneself believed to have been formed from ones experiences and accepted evaluations from family and / or friends. Self-concept and self-efficacy may both be used outside the context of learning (Bandura, 1997; Zimmerman, 2000). The role self-efficacy plays in ones motivation and attitude toward language learning is an important one having influence on ones performance (Bandura, 1997; DÃ ¶rnyei, 2001a; Ehrman, 1996). When looking at language learning many learners feel they have to be risk-takers because their self is put before others to perform. Those with low self- efficacy perceive tasks of difficulty as threats; these are people that dwell on their deficiencies and remember the obstacles they encounter when pursuing challenging tasks (DÃ ¶rnyei, 2001a). There is a reason for connecting the concept of self-efficacy with the motivation to learn an additional language. For students to be able to focus on the task of learning with all their might and determination, they must have a healthy view of themselves as learners (DÃ ¶rnyei, 2001). Although prior successes combined with other general measures of ones ability are considered exemplary predictors of achievement, (Zimmerman, 2000) many studies suggest that self-efficacy beliefs add to the predictability of these measures. One such study was that of students self-monitoring. The findings pointed to the fact that the efficacious students monitored their working time more effectively and were more persistent. The study also indicated the more efficacious students to be better at solving problems than inefficacious students of equal aptitude (Zimmerman, 2000). Zimmerman Bandura (1994) did a path analytic study for writing and found that self-efficacy for writing was a considerable predictor of college students standards for the quality of writing measured as self-satisfying. The self-efficacy beliefs also motivated the students use of learning strategies. According to Zimmerman Martinez- Pons (1992), there was a substantial relation between efficacy beliefs and strategy use across the grade levels being studied. The greater the motivation and self-regulation of learning in students with a high self-efficacy the higher the academic achievement according to a range of measures. (Zimmerman, 2000, p. 88) Another study Zimmerman (2000) notes illustrates a finding of an overall effect size of .38 which this indicates that self-efficacy accounts for approximately 14% of the variance in students academic outcome across various sets of student samples and criterion measures. Concerning the effects of perceived self-efficacy on persistence, resear ch has shown that it influences the learners skill acquisition by increasing persistence (Schunk, 1981; 2003; Zimmerman, 2000). Observably, self-efficacy plays a mediational role in motivation, persistence and academic achievement. The findings signify evidence of the validity of self-efficacy beliefs and their influence on a students method of learning and motivational process (Zimmerman, 2000).

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Aristotles Theory Of Ethics And Politics Philosophy Essay

Aristotles Theory Of Ethics And Politics Philosophy Essay How does Aristotle conceive of the nature of good and evil, and how is Aristotles theory of ethics and politics is rooted in his biological and ontological theory? How is Aristotles theory a communitarian theory like that of Macintyre? How does it differ? Ever wonder why as a person you do certain things or why you are feeling a certain way about something? This is something that is a part of life and as curious human beings we tend to want to know the answer to everything. Well, the fact of the matter is that some things just cannot be explained, they just happen for a reason and thats the way they are made. There are particular events that make us feel a certain way, and we may have different moods toward others. This explanation, in a small couple of words, is called Human Nature. Human nature is a concept of having certain characteristics; these characteristics included thinking, and feeling all the things that normal humans would have in common. We cant explain why humans feel or do certain things, all we can say is that human nature is a sociological way of thing. Aristotle believes that in Human Nature there is good and evilà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. Aristotle believes that if a man does not enjoy doing good acts then he in fact not a good man at all. First, he must know what he is doing, and he must have an understanding of the act that he is doing. Secondly, according to his own personality he must choose to act a certain way on whatever it is that he is doing and he must do this for himself only and no one else. It is our contention that people may perform just acts without actually being just men, as in the case of people who do what has been laid down by the laws but do so either involuntarily or through ignorance or for an ulterior motive, and not for the sake of performing just acts. Aristotles reasons about humanity are most odd, but it is also something that we were meant to achieve according to him. Aristotle mentioned that the idea that human nature was meant or intended to be something, has become much less popular in these more modern times. You are either naturally developed to be good or evil in Aristotles mind and there is no in between. Aristotles ethical theory is a theory that comes from the theoretical sciences. Its methodology must match its subject matter-good action-and must respect the fact that in this field many generalizations hold only for the most part. We study ethics in order to improve our lives, the way we live and how we live is a main factor of ethics and therefore its principal concern of the nature of human well-being. He regards the ethical virtues as complex rational, emotional and social skills. He also believed that an organism or natural whole cannot be fully understood unless it has a purpose. He says that the general purpose of any organism is growth towards a mature statue. If this is true, than it is human nature to be greedy.(Im not sure where you get this from; it is not clear that greed contributes to the mature state of a human being; further, given this idea of maturity, how is good different from evil) This may be why humans are ether good or evil. Without looking toward becoming a more powerful state, then there is no need to become greedy. A communitarian idea is based on the ideal of the common good. Aristotle distinguishes between varieties of justice. He first tells the difference of justice as a whole and justice as just partial. In some sense, justice is understood as what is lawful, and the just person is equal to the moral person who follows the rules. Justice is understood as what is fair or equal, and the just person is one who takes only a proper share. Aristotle focuses his discussion on justice as a part of virtue. Each of these justices can be understood and concerned with achieving equality. Macintyre mentions that the forms of liberalism do not fail because the rules define that right action cannot be adequately grounded apart from a conception of the good. For this reason, Macintyre claims, some version of a communitarian theory of justice that grounds rules supporting right action in a complete conception of good can ever hope to be adequate. Aristotles thoughts of good are different from MacIntyres because MacIntyre believes that a good thing is not totally solid. In other words, you can be good in one situation, but the same action may not be good in another, regardless of what the rules are. Aristotle based justice in following the rules, in other words, if the law says it, and you break the law, than you have become unjust.(This distinction is not useful; both Aristotle and MacIntyre respect prudential judgment in differing contexts. Think of this, does MacIntyre have a doctrine of nature like Aristotles? What takes natures place in his doctrine?) Good and evil are left up to the eyes of the beholder. If a man psychologically thinks that if something is good, then it may be good, regardless of the social norms.(This is neither MacIntyre nor Aristotle; it is relativism) This can look strange to other people, who may base good and evil off of a social norm. Whether it is Aristotles ideas or MacIntyres ideas, good is what you truly make of it, and in the end, it is up to you to choose what is good and evil.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Enlightenment Thinkers :: essays research papers

History Essay   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Do you agree with the Enlightenment thinkers such as Ben Franklin that humans are basically good?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Scientific Revolution had led people looking for laws governing human behavior. The ideas of the Scientific Revolution paved the way for a new period called the Enlightenment, also known as the Age of Reason. This period took place in the eighteenth- century. This was the philosophical movement that emphasized the pursuit of knowledge through reason and refused to accept ideas on the strength of religion or tradition alone. Thinkers and philosophers of the time included, Ben Franklin, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and many more. The belief that appealed to most political figures of the time, was deism. Deism was the belief that God created the universe in such a way that no divine intervention was necessary for its continued operation. Most thinkers of the time believed that humans were basically good. In today’s life it is noticeable that this believe does not apply to all, hardly to any. Although it is also not fair to say that all humans are sinners.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Thomas Hobbes, an English philosopher of the 1600’s, tried to create a science of politics. After witnessing the horrors of the English Civil War, Hobbes decided that conflict was part of human nature. Without governments to keep order, Hobbes said, there would be â€Å"war of everyone against everyone†. In this state of nature life would be â€Å"nasty, brutish, and short.† In his book Leviathan, Hobbes argued that to escape such a bleak life, people gave up their rights to a strong ruler. In exchange, they gained law and order. Hobbes called this agreement, by which people created a government, the social contract. Hobbes basically saw people as naturally selfish and violent.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  John Locke was another philosopher of the Enlightenment. He viewed human nature very differently from Hobbes. Locke said a person is not born good or evil. Rather he said, people’s characters are shaped by their experiences. Locke felt people could learn from experience and improve themselves, which led him to believe in self-governing. According to Locke, all people are born free and equal, with three natural rights- life, liberty and property. He believed that the purpose of a government of is to protect these rights and if they fail the people would have the power to overthrow them. This idea is still standing today.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The key thinkers of the Enlightenment had very definite views on the ideal government.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Staphylococcus aureas versus Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aurea

From Staphylococcus aureus to MRSA Abstract I investigated the difference between Staphylococcus aureas and its super bacteria form of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureas. I used books, websites, and scholarly projects to understand the topic at a molecular level. After researching penicillin, Staphylococcus aureas, and Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureas, I found that both the drug and the bacteria use enzymes as their defense and attack mechanism. Penicillin uses a ß-lactam ring as a substrate to clog the active site of transpeptidase, and in defense, the bacteria uses ß-lactamase to break down the ß-lactam ring. I hope to continue research on super bacteria to determine whether or not other super bacteria such as Enterococcus faecium and Streptococcus pyogenes use the same defenses. I found growing number of super bacteria both interesting and disconcerting. My conclusion is that antibiotics and even antibacterials must be monitored more closely if we wish to keep the upper hand over bacteria. In 1928 when Alexander Fleming saw the bacteria-free ring of inhibition made by Staphylococcus aureus around Penicillium notatum (penicillin) in his petri dish, he must have been shocked and thrilled. By 1940, penicillin was being produced for a very eager public. [4] It was our miracle drug; bacterial infections were a thing of the past. However, the use of penicillin was quickly abused, and problems arose. A target bacteria, Staphylococcus aureas soon learned to beat the scientist who thought he had them conquered. MRSA, or Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureas is very similar to Staphylococcus aureas, but it is no longer affected by penicillin or methicillin, the most common antibiotics... ...iel C., and Natalie C. J. Strynadka. "Structure of SeMet Penicillin Binding Protein 2a From Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Strain 27r (Trigonal Form) At 2.45 a Resolution." (2002). Protein Data Bank. . [4] Natural Products as Pharmaceuticals: a Look At Penicillin. 20 July 2008 . [5] Strynadka, Natalie C. J., and Daniel Lim. "Structural Basis of B-Lactam Resistance in Methicillin-Resistant Strains of "Superbug" Revealed." 2002. University of British Columbia. 20 July 2008 _sci_3.pdf>. [6] "The Bacterial Cell Wall." 1995. The University of Texas, DPALM MEDIC. 20 July 2008 . [7] Weigelt, John A. MRSA. New York: Informa Healthcare, 2008.

Lord of the Flies Essay -- essays research papers

Lord of the Flies and the novel’s symbolism   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lord of the flies is a thought-provoking novel authored by William Golding. This novel uses symbolism throughout its entirety to help portray importance and teach lessons. The book describes in detail the horrific exploits of a band of young children who make a striking transition from civilized to barbaric. Lord of the Flies commands a pessimistic outlook that seems to show that man is inherently tied to society, and without it, we would likely return to savagery. Golding does not come right out and show this however he uses symbolism to allow this idea to show. There are many different examples of symbolism in the Novel included are Piggy’s Glasses, the beast and fire. Perhaps the most symbolic of these is fire.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Throughout the novel fire served many, varied uses. Fire was used for warmth during the cold nights. It also created smoke, which served as a signal to potential rescuers. Perhaps the most basic, yet most important use for fire was for cooking. Without it the boys would not have been able to roast the pigs. The importance for fire was not at first understood by the boys. In Chapter Four the fire is out while a ship is spotted in the distance. If the fire was lit it could have been used to make smoke. In turn the smoke may have been used to signal the ship and save the boys. When questioned by Ralph, Jack and the others spew countless excuses to why the fire was...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Nandi Warriors

Deep in the Western Highlands of Africa lives a group of people known as the Nandi people. These people once lived a sedentary life as cattle herders and agriculturalists.   Interesting facts about the Nandi people include beliefs of male and female circumcision. In the past, large ceremonies were held every seven and one half years for male circumcision, which provided rite of initiation into adulthood (Wikipedia, p.1). While male circumcision is an everyday occurrence here in the U.S., female circumcision is not. Female circumcision was performed among the Nandi females in preparation for marriage. In addition to beliefs such as male/female circumcision, this culture also believed in female-female marriages (Wikipedia, p.1). The female-female marriages solved the problems of marriage failure, and served as a way to rescue young mothers from social and economic distress.   Born from this group of intriguing people were the Nandi warriors. Men young and old formed this protective group who later came to be known as one of the most notorious for slaying in Kenyan history (Kamau, p.1). The Nandi Warriors were successful in keeping out any possible threats to their people by limiting access into their territory. Many outsiders attempted intrusion in order to proceed with trading practices, and as a result, thousands were killed. Small groups of the Nandi warriors would lead intruding caravans deep into the Nandi lands, where, later in the evening, the warriors would massacre their â€Å"guests† (Bishop, p.1).   Only rarely did the warriors entertain trading  opportunities. Items up for trade included ivory and other coastal goods in exchange for cattle (Biship, p.1). While the Nandi Warriors’ protective measures would continue to last only a short time longer, the British’s own slaying of Nandi Warrior leader Kimnyole arap Sameoi would end slayings on the Nandi people’s behalf completely (Kamau, p. 1) in order to proceed with foreign rule. This defeat, enforced by the Imperial British of East Africa, would end the Nandi Resistance, and allow the peaceful beginnings to show face to the Nandi people, as well as surrounding areas. The Nandi were noted warriors (Bishop, p.1). After many battles, many victories and many defeats, the Nandi Warriors were feared by anyone who had reason to walk by their territory. Resistance to foreign rule would eventually weaken the opposition of the Nandi Warriors, and much needed peace would be restored in East Africa. Works Cited 1.Cultural Safari. 2005. Kenya Tourist Board. MK Literary Group. January 2007. 2.   Warriors in the Heart of Darkness: The Nandi Resistance. 2002. Koitalel Kenyan Heroes. Dennis Biship. January 2007. 3. The Unresolved Issue of the Kenyan Freedom Movement. 1999, Rev. 2000. Michael Mundia Kamau. January 2007.      

Friday, August 16, 2019

Malunggay and Spinach Powder Essay

RATIONALE He gives us that vast goodness of nature and vegetation is among those. As man propagates for abundance; he deserves to harbour tremendous benefits from it. Man inhabited earth with all its richness laid before him. With his gladness, ingenuity and constant search for knowledge he discovered numerous ways to enrich his mind of endless ideas, body for health and longevity and spirit to fulfil his close relation with his maker and humanity. Thus, man discovers infinite ways and makes use of accessible resources to satisfy his longings for health and wellness. The discovery of herbal plants made the possible existence of modern medicine. Modern medicine makes use of these plants in making capsulated herbal medicine or food supplements. It is scientifically proven that numerous of vitamins and minerals are found in herbal plants that can supply the needs of living things, specifically humans. These vitamins and minerals help supply energy within a person’s body, which is needed for everyday activities in order for them to perform well. Herbal plants nowadays are not just made as medicinal purposes but also as food ingredients so that it may add a unique and healthier flavour to foods. Malunggay or Horse radish (Moringa oelifera) was once considered a â€Å"poor man’s vegetable† but now it is known as a â€Å"miracle tree† or â€Å"nature’s medicine cabinet† by scientists and health care workers from around the world because itis loaded with vitamins and minerals that can be an effective remedy against many kinds of ailments such as arthritis, anemia, ovarian cancer, heartcomplications, kidney problems, asthma and digestive disorders. This plant thrives in tropical countries, mainly in Southeast Asia, Central and SouthAmerica and Africa. It is indeed widely cultivated. It grows up to ten (10) meters tall and its leaflets are ovate to elliptic and are two (2) centimeters long. Each ounce of Malunggay contains seven times the Vitamin C found in oranges, four times the Vitamin A of carrots, three times the iron of spinach, four times as much calcium as milk and three times the potassium of bananas. It is said that these plants require little maintenance, which makes it easy for cash-strapped people to gain health without thinking of budget concerns. Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) is an edible flowering plant in the family ofAmaranthaceae which originated from Central and South western Asia and is now widely cultivated throughout the world. It grows to a height of up to thirty (30) centimeters and its leaves are simple, alternate, ovate to triangular-based and varies in size from two (2) to three (3) centimeters long and one to fifteen(15) centimeters broad. Besides of it being considered as an herb rich in Iron, it isalso a rich source of Carbohydrates, Dietary fiber, Fat, Protein, Vitamin A, Beta-carotene, Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Folate, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K and Calcium. It is well-known in stabilizing the blood sugar among diabetics, it serves as an anti-oxidant, an anti-cancer agent, it prevents from atherosclerosis or thickening and hardening of arteries and it aids in the formation of the blood substance required for blood clotting. The combination of both herbs can surely make a nutritious supplement for all ages. This study presents the result of the beneficial mix of Malunggay and Spinach known as Malunggay and Spinach powder. A power duo, a product of nature, harnesses within reach and concocted with simplicity. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The study aspired primarily, to search for alternative ways of utilizing the common backyard plants Malunggay and Spinach so that it won’t be placed into waste. Secondarily, make a different and simple preparation of it right in one’s home aside from the usual capsule and tablet forms, which currently dominate in the market. Lastly, to disseminate the information on how to augment a nutritional need within in reach and friendly to the pocket. The study addressed the following specific questions: 1. What are the procedures in preparing the Malunggay and Spinach powder? 2. Is there a specific expiration for this product? 3. Are there different processes of drying each kind of leaves? 4. How long can the end product be stored? 5. Is it advisable to dry the Malunggay and Spinach leaves under direct sunlight? 6. What are the uses of the Malunggay and Spinach powder as an additive? 7. What specific amounts of Malunggay and Spinach to be prepared to meet our nutritional needs? 8. What are the nutritional values from the combination of Malunggay and Spinach? 9. Can this research work possibly be pursued in the future? SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY Health awareness is the prime investment, ingenuity is the investors joining effort and wellness is the net gain. Most people think that adapting a healthy and well-conditioned life is expensive and difficult to achieve. The significance is just how one resourcefully utilizes the cheap, the natural abundance of nature, and the untiring quest to alternatives and remedies. Malunggay and Spinach are kind of vegetables that are rich with vitamins, minerals and amino acids that are needed for optimum health. The purposeful cahoots will serve as a supplement Malunggay, touted as â€Å"All- around miracle tree† or â€Å"Natures medicine cabinet† contains a wide variety of nutrients in high amounts and Spinach, known as â€Å"Powerhouse of Nutrients† fill in essential Potassium, Phosphorus and Niacin that Malunggay does not have. This potent combination in powder form add nutrition to our deficient diet due to modern farming methods, nutrient-deficient soils, high levels ofpollution that places more stress, and busy lifestyles that make it hard to prepare healthy balanced diet. It acts as an inexpensive insurance against nutritional deficiencies. This study will promote awareness on the relevance of serving of vegetable meals, soup, bread, dessert, shakes, juices and mixes with Malunggay and Spinach powder. It encourages households to plant Malunggay and Spinach in backyards for persona lconsumption. Furthermore, it supports the Department of Agriculture on their program of propagating vegetable garden e.g. Malunggay and Spinach as a revenue-generating industry under its biotechnology program where it currently enjoys wide array ofMalunggay, Spinach and other vegetable based products manufactured in the Philippines and being sold in local and international markets. Finally, it inspires people to study and search for benefits on vegetables and other agricultural produce. HYPOTHESIS The study promote awareness on the relevance of serving of vegetable meals, soup, bread, dessert, shakes, juices and mixes with Malunggay and Spinach powder. It encourages households to plant Malunggay and Spinach in backyards for personal consumption. The Malunggay and Spinach leaves dry up well when stored in a well-ventilated room without the direct exposure of sunlight and are easier to pound in order to be made as an all-natural food powder. Due time, the leaves of both plant stalks fell down. And by the use of mortar and pestle in pulverizing the leaves make it into a healthy food powder. And lastly, the end product was sealed in a clean container ready for consumption or even for commercial productivity. SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY The study focused on the specifications of how to procure the major quality ingredients, the Malunggay and Spinach leaves and conscientiously observed the proper storage and maintenance of suitable room temperature. It took two (2) months and a half to get the finalresult of the research work using the method of experimentation. As Malunggay wasreadily cultivated in the backyard on the contrary, Spinach was a hard find. It started froma given tiny seedling from mountainous Busay and was replanted. The Spinach was tediously tended since it was never been spared from the affectation

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Mitigation Analysis on Imposing a New Vacation Policy

In the verge of administrative challenges, the best organizational strategy to implement as a leader is the perspective on â€Å"delegation.†Ã‚   It is important to take note that the obligation of a leader mainly falls on the vortex of â€Å"conceptual skills† mixed with the forecasted value of human resource power.   In the case presented, given the fact that the main issue mainly lies on the scarcity or unavailability of information dissemination medium, the finest way to get through the dilemma is to dwell on the basic of communicating—snail mail would be a good option. Another alternative would be delegating the â€Å"message†Ã¢â‚¬â€the new vacation policy—to your subordinates. Take for example, in every state or country by which your company has scope onto, the power of local autonomy would serve you right.   As a matter of fact, it will be a lot easier to have the â€Å"regional† offices do the relay of message or idea, than to spend much on the expense of that purpose.   Further, with regard to the predicament on â€Å"language† inefficiency among your constituents, it would rather be best to have those â€Å"regional† office department heads to fix the problem—the regional directors must be critically filtered in such a way that they are able to understand both the international language and respective dialects of the region. Moreover, in the light of the â€Å"new policy,† to be able to get a glimpse of the feedback and recommendations of your subordinates, it is recommended that the leader calls for a general assembly for all the designated regional offices, and decentralize the power of â€Å"company† hearing or survey for each location (Stillman, 2004).   In such way, it will be cost-efficient, less hassle and beneficial for both the members and the leader for that instance. However, to be able to assess that the â€Å"plan† is effective and is proficient enough to be thoroughly implemented, the leader must consistently visit the respective regions to â€Å"personally† check on the employees and to give them an echelon of faith that the company is still highly respectable and professional in the keenest way possible (Ollman, 1999). Reference Ollman, B. (1999). Market Economy: Advantages and Disadvantages [Electronic Version]. Retrieved October 21, 2007 from Stillman, R. J. (2004). Public Administration: Concepts and Cases (8th ed.). Massachusetts: Houghton Mifflin Company.      

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Indian Legal History: Sultanate Period Essay

The Delhi Sultanate is a term used to cover five short-lived dynasties, Delhi based kingdoms or sultanates, mostly of Turkic and Pashtun (Afghan) origin in medieval India. The sultanates ruled from Delhi between 1206 and 1526, when the last was replaced by the Mughal Dynasty. The five dynasties were the Mamluk dynasty (1206–90); the Khilji dynasty (1290–1320); the Tughlaq dynasty (1320–1414); the Sayyid dynasty (1414–51); and the Afghan Lodi dynasty (1451–1526). (i) Administrative Units: The civil administration of the sultanate was headed by the Sultan and his Chief Minister (Wazir; à ¦â€°Ã  ¦Å"à ¦ ¿Ã  ¦ °). The sultanate was divided into administrative divisions from the province (Subah) to the village level. The province was the composition of districts (Sarkars). Each district was further divided into parganas. A group of villages constituted a pargana. (ii) Constitution of Courts: The Mediaeval India the Sultan, being head of the State. was the supreme authority to administer justice in his kingdom. It was one of the important functions of the Sultan. It was done in three stages: Diwan-e-Qaza (arbitrator à ¦ ¬Ã  ¦ ¿Ã  ¦Å¡Ã  ¦ ¾Ã  ¦ °Ã  ¦â€¢), Diwan-e-Mazalim (Head of bureaucracy à ¦ ªÃ  § Ã  ¦ °Ã  ¦ §Ã  ¦ ¾Ã  ¦ ¨ à ¦ ªÃ  § Ã  ¦ °Ã  ¦ ¶Ã  ¦ ¾Ã  ¦ ¸Ã  ¦ ¨Ã  ¦ ¿Ã  ¦â€¢ à ¦â€¢Ã  ¦ °Ã  § Ã  ¦ ®Ã  ¦â€¢Ã  ¦ °Ã  § Ã  ¦ ¤Ã  ¦ ¾), Diwan-e-Siyasat (Commander-in-Chief of forces à ¦ ¸Ã  §â€¡Ã  ¦ ¨Ã  ¦ ¾Ã  ¦ ªÃ  ¦ ¤Ã  ¦ ¿). The courts were required to seek his prior approval before awarding the capital punishment (à ¦ «Ã  ¦ ¾Ã  ¦ Ã  ¦ ¸Ã  ¦ ¿ à ¦ ¦Ã  §â€¡Ã  ¦â€œÃ  §Å¸Ã  ¦ ¾Ã  ¦ ° à ¦â€ Ã  ¦â€"à §â€¡ à ¦â€¢Ã  §â€¹Ã  ¦ °Ã  § Ã  ¦Å¸Ã  ¦â€¢Ã  §â€¡ à ¦ ¸Ã  § Ã  ¦ ²Ã  ¦ ¤Ã  ¦ ¾Ã  ¦ ¨Ã  §â€¡Ã  ¦ ° à ¦â€¦Ã  ¦ ¨Ã  § Ã  ¦ ®Ã  ¦ ¤Ã  ¦ ¿ à ¦ ¨Ã  ¦ ¿Ã  ¦ ¤Ã  §â€¡ à ¦ ¹Ã  ¦â€¡Ã  ¦ ¤Ã  §â€¹) The judicial system under the Sultan was organized based on administrative divisions of the kingdom. It was classified in a systematic divisions of courts and the powers and jurisdiction of each court was clearly defined. 1. Central Capital: Six Courts which were established at the capital of the Sultanate are follow: a. The King’s Court b. Diwan-e-Mazalim c. Diwan-e-Risalat d. Sadre Johan’s Court e. Chief Justice’s Court f. Diwan-e-Siyasat The King’s Court was presided over by the Sultan. It has both original and appellate jurisdiction on all kinds of cases. It was the highest court of appeal. The Sultan was assisted by two Muftis (highly qualified in law). Diwan-e-mazalim: The court of Diwan-e-Mazalim was the highest court of criminal appeal and the Court of Diwan-e-Risalat was the highest court of civil appeal. The Chief Justice was the second highest officer next to the Sultan. The court of Ecclesiastical cases (à ¦ §Ã  ¦ °Ã  § Ã  ¦ ® à ¦ ¸Ã  ¦â€šÃ  ¦â€¢Ã  § Ã  ¦ °Ã  ¦ ¾Ã  ¦ ¨Ã  § Ã  ¦ ¤ à ¦â€¢Ã  §â€¡Ã  ¦ ¸)was transferred to the Sadre Johan. The court of Diwan-e-Siyasat was constituted to deal with the case of rebels (à ¦ ¬Ã  ¦ ¿Ã  ¦ ¦Ã  § Ã  ¦ °Ã  §â€¹Ã  ¦ ¹Ã  §â‚¬Ã  ¦ ¦Ã  §â€¡Ã  ¦ ° à ¦â€¢Ã  §â€¡Ã  ¦ ¸ à ¦ ¨Ã  ¦ ¿Ã  §Å¸Ã  §â€¡). The Chief Justice’s Court was established in 1206. It was presided over by the Chief Justice and dealt with all kinds of cases. (b) Provinces: In each province(Subah; à ¦ ¸Ã  § Ã  ¦ ¬Ã  ¦ ¾Ã  ¦ ¹)had five courts namely, Adalat Nazim Subah, Adalat Qazi-e-Subah, Governor’s Bench (Nazim Subah’s Bench), Diwan-e-Subah and Sadre-e-Subah. Adalat Nazim Subah was the Governor’s (Subedar; à ¦ ¸Ã  § Ã  ¦ ¬Ã  ¦ ¾Ã  ¦ ¦Ã  ¦ ¾Ã  ¦ °) Court. In the provinces the Sultan was represented by him. He exercised original and appellate jurisdiction like the Sultan.. While exercising his appellate jurisdiction, the Governor(à ¦ ¸Ã  § Ã  ¦ ¬Ã  ¦ ¾Ã  ¦ ¦Ã  ¦ ¾Ã  ¦ °) sat with the Qazi-e-Subah. From the decision of this bench, a final appeal was allowed to be filed in Central Court of Delhi. Adalat Qazi-e-Subah was presided over by the Chief Provincial Qazi. He was empowered to try civil and criminal cases. Appeals form this court made to the Adalat Nazim-e-Subah. The Court of Diwan-e-Subah was the final authority in the province in all cases concerning land revenue. The Sadre-e-Subah was the Chief Ecclesiastical Officer in the province. He represented Sadre Johan, in Subah matters relating to grant of stipend, lands etc. (c) Districts: In each district (Sarkar) at he district headquarter, six courts ware established namely: Qazi, Dadbaks or Mir Adls, Faujdars, Sadre, Amils and Kotwals. The Court of the District was empowered to hear all original civil and criminal cases. Appeals were also filed before this court from the judgements of the Pargana Qazis, Kotwals and village pachayats. The court was presided over by the District Qazi who appointed on the recommendation of the Qazi-e-Subah or directly by Sadre Johan. (d) Parganas: At each pargana headquarter two courts were established, namely, Qazi-e-Pargana and Kotwal. The court of Qazi-e-Pargana had all the powers of a District Qazi in all civil and criminal cases except hearing appeals. Petty criminal cases were filed before the Kotwal. He was the Principal Executive Officer in towns. (e) Villages: A pargana was divided into a group of villages. For each group of villages there was a village assembly or panchayet. It’s a body of five leading men to look after the executive and judicial affairs. The Sarpanch or Chairman was appointed by the Nazim or the Faujder. The Panchayets decided civil and criminal cases of a purely local character. (iii) Judicial Reforms of Sher Shah: In 1540 Sher Shah laid the foundations of Sur Dynasty in India after defeating the Mughal Emperor Humayun, son of Babar. Sher Shah ruled only for five years. he introduced various remarkable reforms in the administrative and judicial system fo his kingdom. His important judicial reforms as follows:- 1. . Sher Shah introduced the system of having the pargans, separate courts of first instance for civil and criminal cases. At each pargana, he stationed a Civil Judge called Munsif. 2. When a Munsif was appointed, his duties were specifically enumerated. 3. The duties of Governors and their deputies regarding the preservation of law and order were emphasised. 4. Moqoddomas or heads of the village Councils ware recognized amd were ordered to prevent theft and robberies. In cases of robberies, they were made up to pay for the loss sustained by the victim. Police regulations were now drawn up for the first time in India. 5. The judicial officers below the Chief Provincial Qazi were transferred after every two or three years. The practice continued in British India. 6. The Chief Qazi of the province or the Qazi-ul-Quzat was the some cases authorized to report directly to the Emperor on the conduct of the Governor.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Firm growth and M&A ; Firm Internationalisation Essay

Firm growth and M&A ; Firm Internationalisation - Essay Example Internationalization is a multifaceted process. Before a firm can engage in going global, a firm must grow from within. In this context, the firm must be dominant in the home country. When a company has a competitive advantage, it suggests that it has strategies, which it can apply in the global market to survive. The firm is likely to face substantial challenges before it can achieve growth. Once the firm overcomes financial, managerial issues, and gain shareholder’s confidence, then, it can go global (Buckley et al., 2007). Owing to the intention of growing in the external market, the firm can utilize mergers, takeovers, or joint ventures. On the other hand, internationalization involves entering foreign markets. The firms may employ many strategies to enter the foreign markets. This may include licensing, exporting and foreign direct investment (FDIs). Licensing involves giving another company production rights to use the licensed material. The organisation given such rights (licensee) will have paid the other organisation giving the license (licensor) some payment. Exporting is another strategy that companies employ to enter foreign markets. Exporting involves selling of goods produced in the home market of the company to other markets in the world. On the other hand, FDIs involves the intention to obtain a long-term interest in a business, which operates in a different economy (Rugman, 1975). Companies can seek to serve goods or services through licensing. Licensing is the easiest way to enter international markets, and companies prefer this strategy owing to the minimal risk and low investment. Producing in the target market will help the company overcome trade barriers, such as potential cultural distance. This is possible because people in the target market can view the company as an outsider (Rugman and Verbeke, 2004).

Monday, August 12, 2019

Analysis Of Speech Event Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Analysis Of Speech Event - Essay Example He also expressed his great respect for President Bush, and that â€Å"he had performed magnificently during the crisis†, which had followed the September 11th attacks on the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York, â€Å"and he had shown real qualities of leadership which had been required at that time†. The purpose of the interview was to obtain information on crucial world matters from a world leader. In this interview with only one main interviewee, the criterion of role, status and norm as applied to Tony Blair was one of power, and the questions were also formulated according to the needs of the situation. Since Mr. Blair had on earlier occassions been interviewed by Larry King, (as seen in the welcome given to him by King: â€Å" A return visit for the Prime Minister of Great Britain, Tony Blair†) he had a good rapport with him. He paid less attention to role, status and norm, and hence his responses approached proximity language. He spoke about talking with U.S. President George Bush several times a week, as it was necessary to â€Å"keep closely in contact with key allies and partners, so that we are working things through together, because one of the almost unique features of this crisis is how many different facets it’s got†.

Dance 3 (fitness and wellness) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Dance 3 (fitness and wellness) - Assignment Example ty and high lipid levels (signified by the high low-density lipoproteins) also predisposes Joe to acquiring Diabetes of the type two variety especially if any member of his family has had diabetes before. He is also likely to get gallbladder diseases, osteoarthritis, dyslipidemia and cancers. Social exclusion may lead Joe to succumb to depression and other mental disorders. Therefore, there is a need for Joe to manage his lifestyle better. To make himself fit, Joe should start by enrolling himself in a local gym and dedicate a particular time of the day for exercises. By doing this, he would be also be engaging in more social interactions and therefore promoting his social wellness (Hoeger, page 200). He should seek a religious domination of his liking and attend regular services. Also, he should analyse his skills and hobbies and look for a job that befits him. He should also take time to be relaxing and go out for dates with members of the opposite sex to enable him be able to get a suitable partner of his choice. All these will enable him create a balanced lifestyle that would reduce the risk of the above diseases. Sally needs to seek the help of a good psychologist to help her unravel the source of her demotivation. Alternatively, she could do a self-evaluation to pinpoint the root of her demotivation. After the emotional problem is solved, she should enrol herself back to the gym on a regular basis. Since her sport of choice is athletics, she should engage in regular jogging in the morning and treadmills in the gym. Each week she strives to increase the distance of running to improve her performance. She should incorporate the principle of commitment and self-discipline to record improved performance. She should also eat healthily. A diet plan for a single day could resemble the one

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Crime and Violence on Television and Its Impact on Wider Audiences Essay

Crime and Violence on Television and Its Impact on Wider Audiences - Essay Example An analysis of the media portrayals of crime and violence reveals that the phenomenon has been a critical component of television broadcasting, resulting in a widespread psychological impact on the minds of audiences that also extends to the incidence or occurrence of violent behavior. This paper will focus on comprehensively discussing the impact that depictions of crime and violence have had on the behavior of audiences. Specifically, the hypothesis presented in the paper asserts that viewing of violence and crime on television is positively correlated with an increase in violent behavior on the part of the audience. Additionally, the resources that are to be reviewed for the purposes of this paper will include, but are not limited to Centerwall (1992): Television and Violence, Philips (1983): The Impact of Mass Media on U.S Homicides and Kahlor and Eastin (2011): Television’s role in the culture violence towards women, David Bauder (Dec 21, 2012): Violence Baked into Popula r Culture and Savage, J. (2004): Does viewing violent media really cause criminal violence?. In conclusion, the paper presents an evaluation of the preceding discussion. Gross and Gerbner (1981) assert that in the light of empirical evidence and researches, it is a plausible assertion to make, that violence on television shares a strong relationship with the occurrence of aggressive behavior in both adults and children, however, the scale of this impact appears to narrow. This research essentially defines the age group of the audience who is at a greater risk of being targeted by violent depictions in the media in comparison with other age groups. According to Huesmann et al. (2003) the results of a longitudinal study lasting from the period of 1977-1992 indicated that while, male children are more likely to show aggressive and violent behavior due to extensive viewing of violence-laden television, the chances of this behavior transitioning into adulthood are foreseeable for both th e sexes. The primary reasons governing the positive correlation between the viewing of violence on television and an increase in violent behavior on the part of the audience include; the audiences’ ability to relate to the characters portraying violence and the extent to which they are able to develop an association between the virtual world of television and reality (Huesmann et al. 2003). Savage (2004) notes that researchers need to recognize the distinction between aggressive behavior and violent crime when assessing the two consequences with regards to the viewership of violence-laden television, as an evaluation of extensive empirical evidence does not prove the hypothesis that television violence is responsible for causing an increase in criminal acts. On the contrary, Centerwell’s (1992) assessment of three geographical samples of U.S, Canada and South Africa concluded that for two participant nations out of the three, the introduction of television resulted in a drastic increase in the homicide rate, with a 93% rise reported in U.S and 92% increase observed in the number of homicides in Canada. With regards to the current scenario of the television industry, concerns have risen regarding the essentially positive portrayals of criminals in mainstream television. Showtime’s TV series Dexter has garnered a massive fan following and critical appraise but several factions of society have criticized the show’s main premise which encourages viewers to empathize with its protagonist Dexter Morgan who is employed as a bloodstain pattern analyst by Miami Metro but also masquerades as a serial killer. Bauder (2012) observes that the popularity of shows such as Dexter and Homeland is reflective of what the audience wants. A report by the Nielsen Company concluded that of the ten most watched prime-time shows of this season seven are based on themes of either crime or violence (Bauder 2012). Cummings (2011) reports at least three instanc es where alleged fans of the

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Why does communsim work in some developing countries and democracy in Essay

Why does communsim work in some developing countries and democracy in others - Essay Example It intrudes further into the lives of people than socialism does. For example, some communist countries do not allow their citizens to practice certain religions, change jobs, or move to the town of their choice (Margonis, 1993). According to Nowotny (1997), communism has been perennially perceived to have been but a -- certainly disastrous -- evolutionary accident on the road of progress. Once this error would have been corrected and once the communist system was removed, the countries concerned would, without any great difficulties, resume their rightful place on the ladder of economic and political progress. This would occur spontaneously. Errors could stunt or thwart the development. But, on the other hand, no special measures would be necessary to promote it. Markets and with them wealth; civic society and political institutions and with them democracy would install themselves without further ado. Some even claimed that this step back unto the ladder of political and economic evolution would be easier (Nowotny, 1997). Although communism is always seen as ‘the big bad wolf’, there are still studies that suggest that it is much better that developing communist countries to embrace communism f irst before venturing into capitalism. Numerous researches argue towards the success of shifting governments from communism to democracy. McFaul (2005) cited the Serbian, Georgian, and Ukrainian cases of democratic breakthrough resemble one another-and differ from other democratic transitions or revolutions-in four critical respects. First, in all three cases, the spark for regime change was a fraudulent national election, not a war, an economic crisis, a split between ruling elites, an external shock or international factor, or the death of a dictator. Second, the democratic challengers deployed extra-constitutional means solely to defend the existing, democratic constitution rather than to achieve a fundamental rewriting of the rules of the political

Friday, August 9, 2019

Position summary letter(supply chain major) Essay

Position summary letter(supply chain major) - Essay Example At the Bayer health care, I would be using those skills to manage the supply chain at an international scale and ensure that the organization’s reputations and profit are taken to another level. On the other hand, at HighJump, those skills would be used to initiate and implement projects to ensure that there is effective service provision need a proper network is established between the organization and its stakeholders. Bayer healthcare (BHC) conducts research and manufactures new therapeutic products and uses scientific technology to create better living conditions for both humans and animals. Research and development is focused on cardiology, women's health care and diagnostic imaging. The company aims at filling the gaps left by other medical and pharmaceutical providers to ensure that its impact is felt by those who really require their services. The company is also supported by manufacturers in different countries who depend on its products to ensure quality and cost-eff ective of its products globally. Responsibilities include initiating activities that will ensure timely and effective supply of the manufactured products to the market place. Thus, the suitable person is expected to be updated on changing demands and improvements in the market as well as within the industry. To liaise with global supply chain systems and synergies to smoothen business deals, reduce costs and ensure that the targeted returns are attained through effectiveness. In addition, the person is expected to provide leadership and have excellent interpersonal relations so that different employee contributions can be recognized and appreciated. Thus, the manager is expected to lead by example through showing accountability both at personal and professional level. The manager will ensure effective communication with the company executives, staff and other stakeholders to the global level to ensure that information is disseminated in a timely and effective manner. My qualificatio ns that make me a suitable and competitive candidate for the position include: I am pursuing a bachelors degree in supply chain and this has equipped me with the necessary knowledge to understand procurement operations. In addition, I have a good understanding of SAP and supply chain management of the knowledge I have gained in my course. I have good leadership and interpersonal skills which I will use to enhance collaboration and ensure that there is transparency in the organization. Moreover, I have good human resource management skills which will come in handy to enhance talent acquisition and creation of international partnerships with the organization's stakeholders. I have good communication skills both oral and written which will enhance communication of both complex and simple issues with the staff and other stakeholders. High jump supply chain management software necessitates the flow of information and inventory in a cost effective and timely manner. The organizationâ€⠄¢s aim to meet market and customer needs through the provision of logistic services, packaging, healthcare, distribution and manufacturing of goods. The company enables its business partners and clients to access their services at low cost and minimizes ownership costs. The company establishes a working relationship with its clients through creating sessions to allow for interactive

Thursday, August 8, 2019

China Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

China - Coursework Example 183). When Mao came into power, his main goals focused on the improvement of social conditions in China. Hence, he initiated â€Å"land reform, the collectivization of agriculture, and the spread of medical services† (â€Å"Three Chinese,† n.d.). However, Mao’s restrictive leadership, caused by his strong desire for equality and fears of capitalist resurgence, prevented the modernization of China and led to the Cultural Revolution (Jackson, 2004). The revolution sought to limit the intellectualization in the country and to advance its agriculture. Unfortunately, it failed to bring development to China and seriously damaged the nation’s progress (Jackson, 2004). Mao’s conservative politics meant that China had to remain isolated from international trade. Despite his ideal visions for the country, its economic system remained insufficient and the problem was brought into greater attention in the 1960s (Lin, Cai, & Li, 2003, p. 137). However, it was only in 1978 that significant changes were made, out of the Chinese’ awareness that they are getting left behind by other industrialized nations. Also, leaders realized that China needs to change its traditional agricultural economy into a modern and industrial one in order to achieve progress (Lin, Cai, & Li, 2003, pp. 137-138). The collapsing economy and the more impoverished citizenry all led to the strengthening of economic reforms. Currently, the trade relations between China and the U.S. is prosperous—about 75% of U.S. imports are from China, making it the country’s 4th largest partner (Griswold, 2002). However, the U.S. is exercising utmost caution in their political relations since China is becoming a major threat economically and politically (Dumbaugh, 2006). It has become more assertive in international policymaking (a sign of its greater power) and it

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Read read instructions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Read read instructions - Essay Example I’ve chosen this particular work, because Aaron Burr had played maybe the main role in John Vanderlyn’s life. He had noticed young artist’s talent and in 1796 sent him to France and paid for his studying. When Vanderlyn had returned after five years to America, Aaron Burr let him stay at his house, where artist could continue to paint and develop his talent without worries (Sardy). Portrait belongs to this period. 1802, oil on canvas. By that time in Europe (in German especially, but in France too) the Romantic Era had already begun. To my mind, except of neoclassicism we also can see an influence of romantic style in this portrait. Dark background and it seems Burr’s light profile floats on a viewer. Also material around Burr’s neck’s like moving, though his face is steel and calm. In 1922, the architectural historian Siegfried Giedion trying to name an emotional side of neoclassical idea coined the term â€Å"romantic classicism† ( And I think that’s what we can say about John Vanderlyn’s portrait of Aaron Burr. There’s classicism, but there’s also a bit of romantic expression. I think with this portrait John Vanderlyn wanted to show an eternal part of his patron, to make a classical portrait of a powerful man. But in the same time, to make Aaron Burr’s image active and modern. Sarudy, Barbara Wells. American Artist John Vanderlyn 1775-1852 and his fateful connection with Aaron Burr. Retrieved 9 August from:

Different Cultures And Traditions Essay Example for Free

Different Cultures And Traditions Essay Using texts from different cultures and traditions discuss how free will or determinism in form of development or outcome of the stories. (1500 2500 words) I believe that we are not so free in this world even though most people would like to think we are. Our lives are controlled by many factors which we do not seem to notice. Some people accept what their future is and live with it, with out even attempting to change it. Fortunately thought there are also the same amounts of people who can see their own future but strive to do what ever they can to change it for the better. Now through out this essay I will compare two stories which are Veronica and Country Lovers. There are many instances in these stories of how if the main character in the story made a different decision than the outcome of the story would have been completely different. So we will see what might have happened if the character made a different choice later on in this piece but first I will talk about the different points of view brought out in these stories. We shall start of with the story of Veronica. This story is of a girl and a boy who are best friend and they live in quite a poor village in Africa and the boy Okeke gets a chance to go to the city and study at university due to a scholarship which he had won and Okeke asks Veronica to come but she decides to stay. When Okeke, after finishing his course at university as a doctor comes back to the village he sees Veronica in her dying moments. When Okeke asks to save her she refuses because her husband had died and her son had died also so she had nothing else to live for. Now Okeke thinks Veronica should have left with him and become his secretary and should have attended night classes where as Veronica thinks she should stay because she hates to leave her family behind even though her father was a brute and beat her. If we were to compare the points of view established in the story Veronica with the raised in the story of Country Lovers. (This is the story of Thebedi and Paulus.) This story introduces Paulus Eysendyck, a white farmers son, and Thebedi, the black daughter of one of the farm workers. As children, Paulus and Thebedi played together, but when they are teenagers they begin a sexual relationship. They have tender feelings for each other, even though their relationship is ultimately doomed in the end. Thebedi marries Njabulo, a kind young black man who has loved her for years. Two months later, Thebedi gives birth to a light-skinned child.à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½Ãƒ ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ That Thebedi is pregnant when she marries is not considered scandalous because men in this culture often insist on finding out before marriage if their women are barren. The childs light skin, however, reveals who the father really is. Still, Njabulo treats the baby as if the child were his own. Paulus learns that Thebedi has married and has a light-skinned child. He panics about the child and visits Thebedi in her hut. He asks her to give the baby to someone else to raise, but she does not. Two days later, he asks to see the child alone. Waiting outside the hut, Thebedi hears soft groaning sounds, and the baby soon dies. Officials discover that the baby was poisoned, and Paulus is arrested. Initially, Thebedi says that she knows he poisoned the baby, but when the trial comes, she claims that she does not know what he did in the hut. Paulus is set free. There are clearly two separate points of view which you can clearly see. The point of view of Paulus and Njabulo. Now Paulus is very judgemental and slightly racist. I say this because he wanted to and did kill the baby just because it was light skinned. I can also say this because of the following quote you must give it to someone this proves he is quite racist because he is calling the baby an it who is quite disrespectful. Also there is also a quote which suggests that he could have been the one to kill the baby I feel like killing it myself this also adds some extra evidence against him for killing the baby. And then there is the point of view of Njabulo which is he loves the baby so much he uses the small wages which he gets from his farm work to buy the baby what ever it needs and could ever want. He is such a devoted father. But then again though I suspect that Njabulo might not believe that the baby is not his, I say this because of what he says for Thebedis birthday notice he says Thebedis baby and not their or his birthday which makes me say that he does believe within himself that the baby is his own. I suspect he may think that because the baby has got light coloured skin and because they are both black he would have thought that the baby would have had the same coloured skin as the parent and because the babys skin is light coloured he might suspect that Thebedi might have had an affair with a white man and got pregnant and had a baby. Now we can move on to analyse the language which is used in these texts. Now the language which is used in these two stories are very expressive, they allow us to feel what the character are feelings. I will start to analyse the language used in the story of Veronica. And then I will move to analyse the story of Country Lovers. This in my opinion is a very heart felt and emotional story and I feel it is quite sad that the baby died in the end and that no body was convicted for the death of the baby if there was a murderer. But before we get to that lets start with the language used in Veronica. There are many persuasive words use in this particular text. The language which I have encountered in this text I have never seen or heard of before. Many people have commented on the language which is used in these texts and it is considered to be quite complex but I shall persevere and try to unravel the language in this text for you so that you may understand it as well as I have tried to. There are persuasive words a plenty in this story to help us to understand what the characters in the text are feeling. Now if we move on to analyse the language which is used in Country Lovers. The language which is used in this text is quite complex also so I will try to impart with you the knowledge which I have learnt about the language of this text. Many may say that the words are quite simple but the thing which is hard about the language in this text I the inner meanings within these words which means there is a meaning within a meaning. Now I have scrutinised the language, I will now go on to analyse the structure. There are two main things in the structure which need to be discussed and they are story and characters. I shall start by discussing the story in both of the stories. I have explained at the beginning of this piece the main story lines of these stories but in this paragraph I will go more in to depth about how the author of this story has kept the reader interested and leaving them wanting more. In Veronica for example this story is quite short, even though the story is short does not mean that the story is not interesting or boring. Short stories are just as interesting as novels or long novels. In this story the author has not used many difficult or hard to understand words and all the long / hard words are necessary to give the effect which is given. The author also made it easier for the readers understand what the characters in the story are feeling. For example we said goodbye and she hurtled away. I thought I saw a tear in her eyes as she turned to go. From this quote I can tell that Veronica was really sad about Okeke leaving her and she wanted to avoid a long goodbye because she probably knew the longer she stayed with him the more upset she would get about the thought of him leaving. Now I will move on to analyse the story in Country Lovers. This story is slightly longer than Veronica but is still very interesting. The author of this text does not use many long/ hard words but she does not need to the story is powerful enough and gets the point across without the need to use long and difficult words. This story is quite descriptive, for example: Hidden by the mesh of old, ant eaten trees the more descriptive a story is the better picture of what is happening in the story. If the author is too descriptive it is boring and if there are only few words of description then it isnt very good to get a picture of what is happening in your head. But the author of this story has found the right limit. Now I move on to talk about the characters in these stories. In Veronica there are only two main characters and they are Okeke and Veronica. Now these characters are very well made up and they were designed to play off each other. Where as Veronica is quite resistant to move Okeke is quite happy to try to persuade Veronica to move with him to the big city. Where as in Country Lovers there is Thebedi, Njabulo and also Paulus. Njabulo is quite a shy and retiring type where as Paulus is the alpha male and is more demanding and quite mean and strict. And Thebedi last of all is quite laidback but when she was required of it she was not afraid to stand up for herself. Finally I will analyse if the main characters had main a different choice then what would have happened and how the ending would have been changed. I will start with the story of Veronica. If Veronica had decided to go with Okeke and work as a secretary to him and goes to night classes then she probably would have led a happier and fuller life and also would not have died as early as she did and she would have had a happy and rich family life. In the story of Country Lovers what would have happened if different decisions were made. If Thebedi did not have a sexual relationship with Paulus in her teenage years then he probably would not have come back in her life and Thebedis baby would not have died. Also Njabulo and Thebedis relationship would have been stronger and better. To bring a conclusion to this piece both pieces are brilliant in the way that they are written and put together. They are fantastic short reads which I would recommend to any one to read and also if you wanted to read about different cultures and traditions.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Tata Nano Cars In The New Zealand Market Marketing Essay

Tata Nano Cars In The New Zealand Market Marketing Essay Globalisation is the trend which has an impact on countries, organisations and peoples. Global markets help organisations to do their business on a worldwide scale (Bradley, 2005). This report is divided into five sections. In section first it describe about the chosen Indian automobile company which is Tata motors and the chosen product which is Tata Nano car. It also discussed the rate in which the car is sold and who are target customer and where product is marketed. In section second it describe marketing situation about the car. Further, it presents a review of the product and explaining its features as to why the car has to be launched in New Zealand which is the target country. Moreover, pricing strategy is mention which is followed by the promotion techniques. In section third it consists of objectives of it and in section fourth implementation of the marketing strategy is done by analyzing the present marking and giving ideas to market the car. Finally, in section fifth futu re research about the product is carried out. 1. Overview about the company Tata Nano is the cheapest motor-car in the world. It is traded in domestic nation, India for about Rs 1 Lakh (Guardian, 2010). It is constructed by Tata motor limited, the biggest vehicle industry in India. Its chairperson, Mr. Ratan Tata envisions that Tata Nano to turn out to be a peoples car which is cheap for everyone (Tata, 2010). Tata Nano was started in India on 1st April 2009 and anticipated in Indian marketplace by July 2009(Tata, 2010). While launching, it has made an enormous buzz among the Indians. By the initial of launching, it has encountered by 5500 registrations for the car (Tata, 2010). Since from launching, the production of the car is still growing high. Target market and customer If 4 wheels cost as small as two wheels, that would quickly alter among the people. Last year about seven million scooters and motorcycles were traded in India, generally among 30,000 INR to 70,000 INR, about 936 NZD to 2185 NZD (Times of India, 2010). Tata is aiming a cost of 100,000 INR as a single of 100 thousand, by Indian conditions of evaluation or about 3122 NZD at present to replace the rates, for that motor-car. Its impossible that which is affordable in the west however persists three times upper than Indias yearly per capita money. The medium wage for industry employees at Tata motors is just $5500 per annum (Gupta, 2009). There are three kinds of model available of Tata Nano car that are Tata Nano, Tata Nano cx and Tata Nano lx (Tata, 2010). In most of the countries the Tata Nano car is introduced. Here the target place is New Zealand marketplace. So, due to warm climate in New Zealand, exclusive Tata Nano cx shall be launched in New Zealand. The retailing cost of Tata Nano cx in New Zealand will be NZD 5746.90 as a whole. With this price, the focus of the marketplace is wide for the company as the average income of the people is NZD 838.70 per month (New Zealand Income Survey, 2009). So, the company can target the people who need their own transportation facility and desire to have luxurious in a very low cost. 2. Situational Analysis 2.1 Product review à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ There are three variants in the Tata Nano stage: Tata Nano, Tata Nano cx and Tata Nano lx (Tata, 2010) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Exclusively the Tata Nano cx variant could be prefaced in the New Zealands marketplace for the initial phase à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Tata Nano lx shall prefaced in the New Zealands marketplace since the subsequent years the motor-car has attained its base expense by minimizing costs on needless luxuries, the fundamental Nano car approaches unless frontage and back fog glows, unless a heater or ambience disciplining, unless anti-lock brakes, single windscreen wiper, manually functioned windows, guidebook steering with nothing ambience purses, small 12 wheels, plastic body portions added with paste besides of more traditional metal and welding and a two cylinder 623 cc locomotive that renders a big highest speed of 65 mph (approximately 105 km/h) (Dhingra,2009). 2.2 Stylish and comfortable The peoples car, planned with a component of mind, has a spacious passenger compartment with benevolent leg gap and head room. It can be contentedly placed by 4 members. 4 doors with elevated seating places create ingress and egress. Length with a distance of 3.1 meters, breadth of 1.5 meters and an altitude of 1.6 meters, with sufficient land clearance, it can effortlessly access on busy roads in metropolises as fine as in countryside fields(Infibeam, 2010). Its mono-mass plan, with wheels at the corners and the power train at the back, facilitates it to unique aggregate of the couple space and the ability of movement that shall group a standard between little cars. 2.3 Fuel-efficient engine The peoples car has a back-wheel drive, all aluminum, two-cylinder, 523 cc, 33 PHS, multi point fuel infusion petrol locomotive (Infibeam, 2010). This is the initial occasion that a two-cylinder gas locomotive is being applied in a car with a one balancer ray. The lean plan strategy has availed to minimize the load that aids to maximize the activity as a whole expended and renders elevated fuel accuracy. Activity is ascertained by particularly planned electronic locomotive administration. 2.4 Environment-friendly The peoples car tailpipe releases the activity beyond the restrictive necessities. In conditions of total pollutants, it has a less pollution than the two-wheelers being constructed in New Zealand nowadays. The elevated accuracy also assures that the motor-car has less carbon dioxide emissions, thereby offering the twin advantages of a cheap transportation solution with a less carbon footprint (Guardian, 2010) 3. Financial Analysis 3.1 Pricing strategies The cost expense is an approximated USD 2,420 that involves importing revenue, responsibilities excise, trades revenue, shipment costs and gathering cost. The retailing expense for the New Zealand marketplace is comprehensive of principle supplements; however omit road revenue (NZD 29.40), listing payments (NZD 62.90), number plate (NZD 21.00) and possession endorsing payment (NZD 21.00), trades revenue (NZD 574.70) that numbered to NZD 134.20(New Zealand Govt., 2010). The on-the-road expense shall be NZD 6624.80.those issues replicate a strategy for accepting a portion from found competitors, such as peroduas paradigm of kancil and viva (Farris, et al 2009). 3.2 Setting the price selecting price objectives Tata Nano New Zealand has a group of three aims in its attempt to place itself in the New Zealand moving marketplace. The aims are: survival, highest current incomes and highest market income. Survival Strong contest from New Zealands latter motor-car producer, perodua for a portion of the moving marketplace chapter for the under 1,000 cc sort shall spur Tata Nano New Zealand to assure that the motor-car expense conceals the variable costs and certain determined costs. In this example, existence is a concise word goal as in the lengthy execution, Tata Nano New Zealand shall append rate such as joined security characteristics to the Nano stage (Omar, 2009). Highest current incomes Tata Nano New Zealand has a group of expense that shall enlarge the present earnings, currency run and continues on asset, later than accepting into assumption the requirement and costs committed. As this sort of little overseas cars chapter has not been absolutely tested by other producers, hence the requirement is alternatively hard to approximate however Tata Nano New Zealand is self-assured of a better acknowledgement that towards the entrance in the New Zealand markets (Times of India, 2010). Highest market income For the New Zealand marketplace, Tata Nano shall execute the marketplace-diffusion pricing that is to group a low expense for a recent motor-car in sequence to lure a huge number of customers and a huge marketplace portion. This shall be finished by accomplishing the elevated trades and their outcomes in low costs, admitting the industry to reduce its expense. The base-expense entrance shall render New Zealand customers with a feasible option to perodua -New Zealand latter federal motor-car. More relaxation is anticipated as New Zealand implements the Asian independent sale domain contract that commits the New Zealand regime to reduce the overseas motor-car taxes (Michael, 2009). 3.3 Total sales estimation The expenditure choice of 100 thousand INR is absolutely moving to create a numerous people that transit to four-wheeler fold and that will burst the requirement (Tata, 2010). The fundamental cause was the certainty that the aim of the expenditure will modify the four wheeler sector. It was chosen to group the organisation with 500 thousands car per year capability and increase upward in levels, with expand of small car in marketplace requirement (Fill, 2006). 4. Advertising and promotion 4.1 Promotion strategies The actual missions are to boost the Tata Nano in New Zealand and to expand the trades periodically. Tata Nano is very recent for New Zealand, they sense new with their recent trademark and procedure of this motor-car. Thus the goal for promotion plan is their objective to build trademark consciousness and procedure/information of this recent motor-car Tata Nano. This is the cheapest motor-car in the world and explodes into the global marketplace in the concise occasion. However this is the recent trademark for the New Zealand, thus it performs the announcement and manages the occasion or operation in adequate information to constitute the better trademark approaches (Gillespie et al, 2007). Trademark consciousness is essential to render the establishment for trademark fairness. The target to build, preference, certainty, and buy a Tata Nano motor-car it can perform the evaluation with other cars that are very expensive. However, company shall convince the consumer that the company will provide a trial to drive the Tata Nano for before purchasing it and will also render its guarantee for Tata Nano (Shah, 2008). 4.2 Promotion tag line Tata Nano peoples car Why we constitute this label line? This is to create that all the New Zealand people to memorize that Tata Nano is for the people. Tata Nano is for security and it can migrate universally by Tata Nano name with the peculiar entertaining for the people, however it just want to wage all of this at lesser expense -pay fewer and obtain more. Along that the people can enjoy their globe size and cost expenditure (Cadbury, 2008). 4.3 Online advertisement Initially, the launching of Tata Nano in New Zealand will be done by online announcement. The company will develop a website for intercommunication with their customer. In the website, the company will upload photos and videos of the car and will ask for the feedback from the customer. These help people to get latest news about Tata Nano and gap for common acknowledgement. More than that, blogs have turned out to be an essential outlet that is routinely updated by online diaries. Blogs is bestowing collectively by people with general interests. They differ in broad and can impact enormous listeners due to numerous web clients to study blogs. The company can constitute the web blogs network and cautiously supervising to determine out what is on peoples mind. This is a cheapest and better manner to construct trademark consciousness (Schmidt Hollensen, 2006). 4.4 Television advertisement Television announcement is very costly however this is the most effectual to carry out the Tata Nano to the common people by showing Tata Nano properties and persuasively explaining their equivalent customer advantages. By lesser announcing spending plan, the company cant perform the TV announcement in altogether day (Srivastava, 2008) thus it can select the occasion time (7pm 11pm) for the announcement. 4.5 Radio advertisement Most of the New Zealand people hear to the radio day-to-day. Presently they have numerous services suchlike as mp3, hand phone and so on, is expedience for the people to hear the radio anytime at anyplace; this is an affordable and pervasive average for manufacturers to build the trademark consciousness by often hearing the announcement and the trademark identity. Benefits of the radio announcement are versatility, fast acknowledge and also more effectual media for reaching teens (Mooij, 2003). 4.6 Newspaper advertisement Along with the radio, most of the New Zealand people also read the newspaper daily. Thus this is better way for marketing the product (Alexander, n.d). Due to it company can obtain wide adoption and better reputation among the local people and it is cheaper also. 5. Objectives The objective of company is to fast-grow and accomplishing the aims for three years of the markets. First year goal is to accomplish 25,000 units of trades acquiring the market and to obtain the highest percentage. Second year goal is to accomplish 10% for expanding in periodical establishment (NZD 20381.00). Third year goal is to accomplish major people using Tata Nano by the end of 2014. 6. Implementation 6.1 Business and marketing analysis Tata motors limited is Indias biggest vehicle industry, with incomes of Rs. 35651.48 crores (used 8.8 million) in 2007-08(Brokersreport, 2008). It is the organizer in marketable automobiles in every chapter, and between the peak three in passenger automobiles with succeeding commodities in the constriction, midsize motor-car and usefulness vehicle sectors. The industry is the worlds 4th biggest truck producer, and the worlds latter biggest motorbus producer (Guardian, 2010). In March 2008, Tata motors adopted Fords UK depend motor-car brands Jaguar and Land rover (BBC news, 2008). As per the Ratan naval Tata (chairperson of Tata team), the requirement for the creation which is similar to Nano that has obtained to perform somewhat for the people of India and for their traveling, unavailability and bad feature of long travel is a general difficulty in India. So with this, Tata Nano is made as a safer mode of travel (Tata, 2010). The following will be key strengths and weakness within the company and describes the opportunities and threats facing Tata Nano. 6.2 SWOT Analysis Strengths The internationalization strategy thus distant has been to retain native directors in recent gains, and to exclusive transplant a pair of superior directors from India into the recent marketplace. The advantage is that Tata has capability to replace the expertness. The industry has a prospering federation with Italian bulk manufacturer fiat since 2006(Marketingteacher, 2010). This has improved the merchandise portfolio for Tata and fiat in conditions of generation and information change. For instance, the fiat polio elegance is started by Tata in 2007, and the parties have a contract to construct a select-upward that was aimed at middle and South America (Yoginvora, 2009). Weaknesses The industrys passenger motor-car commodities depends on 3rd and 4th production platforms, which places Tata motors limited at a demerit with opposing motor-car producers. It is frequently not recognized that in English the term tat implies garbage (Marketingteacher, 2010). Opportunities In the summer of 2008 Tata motors proclaimed that it have profitably purchased the Land Rover and Jaguar brands from fords motor (Marketingteacher, 2010). Two of the worlds comfort motor-car trademark have been joined to its portfolio of brands, and shall undoubtedly to the industry. The opportunity to marketplace automobiles in the comfort sector Tata motors limited adopted Daewoo motors marketable vehicle trade in 2004 for approximately used $160 lakhs (Marketingteacher, 2010). Nano is the cheapest motor-car in the world selling more than a motorbike. The recent and emerging industrial countries suchlike India, South Korea and china shall have a thirst for low-cost passenger and marketable automobiles. The stage of wonderful Milo fuel proficient buses is powered by wonderful-proficient, eco-friendly engines. The motorbus has optional biological grab with booster aid and best ambience intakes that shall decrease fuel expenditure by 10% (Marketingteacher, 2010). Threats Other opposing motor-car producers have been in the automobile industry for more than 40-50 years (Marketingteacher, 2010). Hence the Tata motors have to grasp in conditions of feature and lean generation. Sustainability and environmentalism would imply additional costs for this base-cost manufacturer. This would influence its underpinning spirited benefits. Apparently, as Tata globalizes and buys other brands this difficulty would be improved (Doole Lowe, 2005). Since the industry has concentrated on the marketable and little vehicle sectors, it has to explicit to the contest from abroad parties for the emerging Indian comfort sectors. Recently, in Pune city Mercedes Benz has decided to build 5000 car per year (Marketingteacher, 2010). Other participants of growing comfort cars aimed at the Indian marketplace that contains ford, Honda and Toyota. Growing companies in the international financial system which would pose a danger to Tata motors limited on a pair of faces. The rise in the cost of steel and aluminum is putting force on the costs of generation. The Tatas commodities which run on diesel fuel are turning very expensive for internationally and for inside its conventional domestic marketplace (Yoginvora, 2009). 6.3 Product strategies The product strategy that shall be accommodated direct product elongation that is trading the motor-car in an additional overseas marketplace unless some alteration was made. This is due to the products growth and its cost, constructing alters, or recent promotions (Bhanot, 2008). The Tata Nano cx, consisting of all the characteristics explained in the previous product study division, shall be traded with 3 yr guarantee or 100,000km guarantee, either approaches the initial stage. The company shall preface the Tata Nano lx since the subsequent annum, later than we have found our Tata trademark. The trademark and logo shall be showed on the motor-car as fine as in all trading sectors. 6.4 Branding Brands analyze the resource or producer of a product and permit the customers Persons or organisations which will allocate its problems for its activity to a specific producer. Marketing is endowing with commodities and facilities with the influence of a trademark. Its all about making dissimilarities among commodities. For marking plans to be prospering and trademark rate should be made, customers should be satisfied and there are significant dissimilarities between brands in the product or sustainable sort. In Tata nanos example, the marketing strategy is applied to the companies identity merged with single product names. This companys identity legitimizes and the identity individualizes the recent product (McDonald, 2007). 6.5 Marketing analysis Launching code is very essential for placing that the role of planning Tata Nano and picture to employ in New Zealand in the minds of the targeted marketplace. Launching code is also a single for the promotion plans to construct consciousness, via launching at common midpoint Tata motor shall preface the Tata Nano to marketplace. The company focus on trading operation that shall take position at all the IPTA and IPTS that can manage the convocation, by offering merchandise show and sign; and the people can have the knowledge with Tata Nano by rendering the chances to drive Tata Nano in the campus (Doore Lowe, 2005). For this operation, the title is better outlook with Tata Nano. In their processing existence however they cannot provide to purchase the too costly motor-car; multinational young people just want the motor-car that is under their financial system and by it in concise period for about 2-3 years for their adolescent existence in New Zealand. This is the cheapest cost by o ccasion or operation in the campus (Baden, 2008). Thus it can focus on lesser money team with module particularly these are arrived from New Zealand or India. By the e-mail, telephone, fax, email to intercommunicate with them. Low on historical, more of the Malay or India shall purchase the motor-car in some reasonable cost. Raya with Tata Nano can be the topic for our operation at this era, and boost the Tata Nano as the cheapest and security (Cadbury, 2008). After the arrival of Nano, New Zealand will have the mega trades due to the recent annum in the stop of the annum at altogether New Zealand thus that they have numerous people and shall move for purchasing. The company can manage the occasion at purchasing in midpoints. In New Zealand such as klcc, mid-valley, betrayal and sungai wang by offering merchandise show and sign (Bradley, 2005). Very soon most of the employees in New Zealand shall obtain the incentive in this era thus for buying influence will expand. The company shall perform the road display at each state (altogether New Zealand). The company can used the road display at the midpoint of the market such as the entire marketplace at all the state. Numerous people come to the marketplace for purchasing vegetable and essential entities. Among, them most of are ladies or housewife. Certain of them move to markets by motorcycle or by motorbus. So, they are aim trades for the company (Cadbury, 2008). The company can boost Tata Nano to it such as, Tata Nano is the cheapest motor-car in the world, obtain the Tata Nano to be latter motor-car for their module person particularly for their kids or senior root, simple existence with Tata Nano. Housewife or mother can move to market or anyplace by Tata Nano best than motorcycle or by motorbus for their total day-to-day issue more efficiently. When, the ladies obtain this news, they pass on others very instantly. This will support the company in boosting Tata Nano efficiently in the native com munity. At the road display, people also can obtain the knowledge regarding Tata Nano by having the chances to drive the Tata Nano motor-car. 7. Future Research To be successful, Tata Nano would be required to spend a handful of time in researching its target market. Firstly, it would be required to indentify what information is needed about its target audience, secondly, it is required to collect the essential data and finally to analyse the information which in return would help Tata Nano with its decision making. It is agreed that it is a matter of indentifying and understanding the customers choices, thoughts and behaviors which would play a large part in successfully launching its new product. Using the data collected, Tata Nano would be able to adjust or mould its product to make it most suitable for the customers experience. For the most effective approach, Tata Nano would be required to take a methodological approach to market research including qualitative and quantitative research. A qualitative approach could include the interviews of target consumers to see what opinions on the product are, this is normally done on a small scale to give a detailed response. A Quantitative approach would include random sampling of the target audience in the form of surveys or questionnaires. A mix of both forms of research should give them the information and knowledge to penetrate the market with their new product.